Limu is a high-quality Ethiopian coffee that has been wet-processed (washed) and has a low acidity but is crisp. The brewed cup has a well-balanced body (mouthfeel) and distinct winey and spicy flavors, which are generally fruit-toned, delightfully sweet, and lively with floral undertones.
Limu coffee is grown in southwest/southcentral Ethiopia at elevations ranging from 3,600 to 6,200 feet, yielding medium-sized coffee beans with a unique roundish shape and green hue. Limu is a brand name for a product. Many specialty roasters regard Ethiopian washed Limu coffee to be a high-end gourmet coffee. Ethiopian Coffee is another option. Now you can get the best limu coffee in Seattle from Saraye Coffee, the leading single-origin coffee shop.
How should you drink your coffee?
Most people feel that black coffee, rather than coffee with milk or cream, will wake them up and get them moving faster in the morning. That is, in essence, a myth. When you think about it, the fact is obvious: whether or not milk is added to a cup of coffee, it has the same amount of caffeine. There is only one reason why black coffee may be more potent: if you add a lot of milk to your cup, you may wind up drinking less coffee and thus consume less caffeine.
But there’s another question you can have: does the color of the coffee matter? Here’s where we can debunk some more urban legends. When it comes to caffeine, many coffee lovers believe that the darker the cup, the better. Coffee connoisseurs, on the other hand, would argue (possibly with a hint of disdain in their voice) that a light roast contains more caffeine than a dark roast.
They’re all erroneous in some way. According to a preliminary yet extensive study, coffee beans have roughly the same amount of caffeine. But there’s a catch. Because dark-roasted beans have a lower density than light-roasted beans, you’ll need to use more of them to produce the same amount of coffee – and more beans equals more caffeine.
In other words, conventional wisdom is almost correct, as a cup of dark coffee has slightly more caffeine than a cup of light coffee. However, it’s critical to highlight the phrase “a bit more.” In actuality, research reveals that by the time the beans are roasted, ground, and made into coffee, the caffeine difference between the lightest and darkest roasts is only approximately 9%. The caffeine content in a standard cup of coffee is around 95 milligrams. Thus, the difference is only 9 milligrams.
Bottom line, you can drink your coffee however you want! It all depends on your taste and personality. So, if you haven’t already, you should consider buying the best limu coffee in Seattle from Saraye Coffee, the leading single origin coffee shop.
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